Alexandra Gonzalez

  Unclaimed .Freelancing

  Fort Lauderdale, Florida


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best Mortgage Lenders in Fort Lauderdale

Who is Alexandra Gonzalez

best Mortgage Lenders in Fort LauderdaleAlexandra Gonzalez Licensed mortgage loan originator NMLS 997183 Why choose Alexandra?My goal is to simplify your mortgage journey, ensuring a transparent and pleasant experience.I worked in the financial industry for over 25 years and bring over 11 years of specialized experience as a Mortgage Loan Originator helping families finance their forever homes and more. I can provide a mortgage for your primary residence, second home, investment property or commercial property. Working for the fastest growing mortgage company in the country, NEXA Mortgage, I have an extensive array of lenders to choose from that are skilled in areas that not all mortgage professionals have access. I am confident I can offer you the loan that meets your needs.I am based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with credentials to operate throughout the state. Nexa Mortgage is licensed in 47 states, allowing me to refer business to other Nexa loan officers in different states so we can provide mortgage services across almost the entire country.

Services / Products of Alexandra Gonzalez

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Latest Deals & Offers from Alexandra Gonzalez

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Frequently Asked Questions About Alexandra Gonzalez

1.Where are Alexandra Gonzalez headquarters?

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

2.What is the Alexandra Gonzalez phone number ?


3.What is the Alexandra Gonzalez official website?

4.Who is Alexandra Gonzalez Owner/CEO/Representative?

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