Second Fl, Condo(C), Pearl Condo Campus,Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd, Bahan Township, Yangon
  +95 9 977 838 966
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Elite Petrochemical Co., Ltd is regularly importing total of 4,000 tons of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) per month by the vessels with the capacity to 2,000 tons of LPG. Elite Petrochemical Co., Ltd has been planning to distribute to a million households throughout the whole nation by 2020. ELPC, one of leading Myanmar LPG Suppliers, is regularly importing total 4,000 tons of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) per month by the vessels with the capacity to 2,000 tons of LPG.
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Second Fl, Condo(C), Pearl Condo Campus,Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd, Bahan Township, Yangon
+95 9 977 838 966