No.12, Parami Road, Parami Shop House, (Beside Parami Hotel), Mayangone Township, Yangon
  +95 9777998838
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My Aura Aesthetic Skin Clinic is located in the heart of Yangon, very close to Hotel Parami, on the Parami Road with available car parking space for our guests. My Aura clinic provides various kinds of facial and body treatment with the latest technologies, medical grade skin care products from USA, Thailand and Korea. We use Dermatologist and Aestheticians’ award winning skin care products from USA to offer the most effective treatment to their patients in a few week times. Most importantly, all patients are treated under the guidance of Dr. Hnin, Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medical Doctor who accredited in Thailand and Myanmar. Guests can book in advance for consultation with our Anti-aging and Regenerative Medical Doctor Dr. Hnin
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No.12, Parami Road, Parami Shop House, (Beside Parami Hotel), Mayangone Township, Yangon
+95 9777998838