One Stop Recruiting & Medical Billing SDVOB

  Unclaimed .Employment Agencies

  8743 E Pecos Rd #127 Mesa, AZ 85212


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Physician Recruiting & Staffing

Who is One Stop Recruiting & Medical Billing SDVOB

Thank you for visiting us on Trueen! One Stop Recruiting knows what it takes to fill your open position for a Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, or Registered Nurse. Our team of recruiters has been highly trained in the practice of sourcing and screening candidates to meet your needs. When you choose One Stop Recruiting for your medical staffing, we are not going to come in and post a bunch of ads on websites you have already placed ads in. We already have an internal database of hundreds of thousands of Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants and Registered Nurses that we can reach out to and present your opportunity to. As a general rule, we will have a candidate for you within 1-3 days. We take great pride in our ability to screen candidates to find exactly what you are looking for.Our specialization:Physicians RecruitmentMid-Level RecruitmentRN RecruitmentDirectors of Nursing RecruitmentAnother reason to choose One Stop Recruiting is there is no risk to you. We are a contingency based medical staffing agency so you only pay a placement fee if you actually hire one of our candidates. There are no upfront fees for us to get started sourcing and screening our candidates and present your opportunity to them. You have full control of who you interview and are under no obligation to hire any one of our candidates. Since our placement fees are based on you hiring one of our candidates, we are absolutely committed to finding the right Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, or Registered Nurse for your available position. Our Recruiters will only send you candidates that we have screened and presented your opportunity to. This ensures that we will only send you candidates that are worthy of an interview. One Stop Recruiting & Medical Billing SDVOB8743 E Pecos Rd #127Mesa, AZ 85212Phone: (480) 739-9207Email: info@1stoprecruiting.comWebsite: Read Our Blog: Us on Twitter: Us on Facebook: Us on Yelp: on YouTube: the Owner on LinkedIn: With Us on LinkedIn: Us on Instagram: Us on Pinterest:

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Frequently Asked Questions About One Stop Recruiting & Medical Billing SDVOB

1.Where are One Stop Recruiting & Medical Billing SDVOB headquarters?

8743 E Pecos Rd #127 Mesa, AZ 85212

2.What is the One Stop Recruiting & Medical Billing SDVOB phone number ?


3.What is the One Stop Recruiting & Medical Billing SDVOB official website?

4.Who is One Stop Recruiting & Medical Billing SDVOB Owner/CEO/Representative?

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