100 Oceangate Suite 1255, Long Beach, California, 90802, US
  (562) 270-9499
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Eldessouky Law represents the cornerstone of employee advocacy in Long Beach, offering expert legal counsel for those affected by wrongful termination or employment-related disputes. As seasoned employment lawyers and wrongful termination advocates, our firm provides personalized attention to each case ensuring that your concerns are addressed with the seriousness they deserve. Focused on safeguarding your rights within the realm of employment law, we pride ourselves on being a trusted resource for anyone searching for an employment law lawyer near me or employment discrimination attorney near beach. Our team takes a strategic approach to every case, aiming to secure favorable outcomes while prioritizing client welfare and satisfaction. When it comes time to stand up against unfair treatment at work, let Eldessouky Law be your ally in securing the respect and compensation that you are rightfully due.Services:Employment lawWrongful termination lawyercalifornia wrongful termination lawyercalifornia employment lawyerBusiness Email: analytics.eldessoukylaw@gmail.com
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100 Oceangate Suite 1255, Long Beach, California, 90802, US
(562) 270-9499
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